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  • Your Spirit Calms Me

    crashing waves raging seas but your spirit calms me roaring winds pouring rain but your spirit calms me storms arise lightning strikes but your spirit calms me sleepless nights restless...

    Your Spirit Calms Me

    crashing waves raging seas but your spirit calms me roaring winds pouring rain but your spirit calms me storms arise lightning strikes but your spirit calms me sleepless nights restless...

  • You Are There

    in my darkest hour you are there in my happiest moments you are there in my quiet times you are there when my mind is screaming you are there my...

    You Are There

    in my darkest hour you are there in my happiest moments you are there in my quiet times you are there when my mind is screaming you are there my...

  • Heal Me

    heal me from the things  I’ve never spoken about but I’ve seen heal me from the things I heard  and turned the sound down on heal me from things I’ve...

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    Heal Me

    heal me from the things  I’ve never spoken about but I’ve seen heal me from the things I heard  and turned the sound down on heal me from things I’ve...

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